Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Employee Records
How do I add my employee records to FinFlx?
Adding employee records onto FinFlx is a very easy process. Your HR team will have the option to add employee records either by filling in the employee details directly on a table interface (suitable for adding 10 records or less), or by downloading our standard template and filling in the details offline from existing company records (suitable for large records). The best part is, you only do this process once. FinFlx maintains all the records up to date on your behalf.
Employee Records
What employee information does FinFlx require?
To calculate your company’s gratuity liability accurately and in timely manner, FinFlx requires the basic employment details of each of your employees, like hiring date and basic salary. This way, your gratuity liability is accurate without your team having to maintain multiple spreadsheets and financial models.
Employee Records
What happens when I hire someone new?
When an new hire (or group of hires) are onboarded, your HR team can add their employment records onto the platform. This will not affect the existing gratuity liability. However, it’s very important for the purpose of forecasting how this liability evolves over time.
Employee Records
What happens when an employee is leaving?
For leavers, whether through resignation or termination, your HR team will be able to offboard that employee (or group of employees) off the platform. You can specify their last working day, and reason of leaving (resignation/termination) and the system calculates accurately how much do you owe to each employee.
Employee Records
Does the gratuity scheme cover all employees?
FinFlx Gratuity Scheme covers all employees that are foreign expats (non-GCC nationals) who are on a full time employment contract registered with UAE’s MOHRE.