Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Access Control
Who can access FinFlx platform?
For every account (company), you can set up a full administration team. This starts with a group admin (super Admin), you can add one or multiple employees from HR and Finance departments as well as senior management. Each department has specific roles and functions they can perform.
Access Control
What is role based access control (RBAC)?
Role Based Access Control is an established security and governance framework using by businesses with different departments that collaborate together to perform different functions. It means that each user role (e.g Payroll Officer, Finance Manager) is allowed a specific level of access and visibility that is necessary for them to perform their function. Information that is not relevant to this user’s function(s) are by default not available.
Access Control
Can I add or remove more members to my team on FinFlx?
Absolutely, every account (company) requires one Super Admin at minimum. A super admin can grant and/or revoke access of other administrative users from different functions. A company can have more than one Super Admin (recommended).
Access Control
Is my data and information safe with FinFlx?
We take data security very seriously. Our systems are built with multiple layers of security in place. starting from strong firewalls that protect the infrastructure, to strong data encryption policy both at rest and in transit, besides a strict information security and privacy policies.
Access Control
Can FinFlx view my employee data?
Definitely NOT. Your employee records including names, dates, salaries, gratuities etc are fully encrypted and redacted from FinFlx employees at all times. The only information that FinFlx will request are related to the business itself. Specifically, the identity of control person(s) and Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s). This information is required for compliance purpose as per UAE Central Bank rules and regulations.